
RegiaCPIA1 Cagliari | students of the 1st and 2nd period Baccaredda classes

CreditiCast: Jahidul Islam, Annalisa Monteverde, Francesca Tinelli, Daniela Serra, Bassirou Serigne Ndiouck, Fallou Serigne Ndiouck, Manuela Murru, Mahi Sk Md Redwan, Tharushi Ishara Muhudugamuwa, awsu Ceesay, Syll Balla.


Lingua minoritariaItalian sign language

TipologiaShort film


Il topo e la montagna (The Mouse and the Mountain) is one of the fables that Antonio Gramsci dedicated to his children, a fable that remains even more relevant in our present days when humanity is becoming increasingly less attentive and less respectful of the world that surrounds it.


The project originated within the CPIA KARALIS1 in Cagliari and was carried out by students from the first and second periods at the Bacaredda location, under the guidance of their teachers. It was an in-depth project focused on the ideas of Antonio Gramsci, utilizing multimedia technology. The primary objective was to facilitate communication between the hearing world and the deaf world in order to gain an understanding of the deaf community not just from a linguistic perspective but also from a socio-cultural standpoint. Given that Italian Sign Language (LIS) is a visual-gestural language, it allowed for the development of a communication channel distinct from oral and auditory communication.